ViMP 4.3.2
- Saturday, 13th February, 2021
- 14:40pm
ViMP 4.3.2
ViMP 4.3.2 contains a number of improvements and bug fixes for ViMP 4.3. Update now!
Important notes:
- Find an overview of the new features in our ViMP 4.3 blog post.
- Also read our technical notes containing important information of the upgrade.
- Improvement: Groups/role mapping is executed with new API LDAP user registrations
- Improvement: Check for existing subtitles of the respective language when uploading new subtitles
- Improvement: CSS class "active" for category submenu items
- Improvement: Improved notice for deleted embedded videos
- Improvement: Upload filesize warning in the installer check removed for PHP versions >=7.0
- Improvement: Add file size to media files list
- Fix: Upload error when entering a time-controlled media publication date fixed
- Fix: Installer always executed chown/chgrp for www-data and didn't consider the entered user and group
- Fix: Media count and media displayed in Channels, Groups and Albums didn't always match
- Fix: API error with method loginUser and incorrect passwords fixed
- Fix: CSS ID added to submenu items
- Fix: Error with restoring media version fixed
- Fix: File name extension of download links corrected
- Fix: Media files list in backend now correctly indicates existance of ts files
- Fix: Items per page are synchronized now in the backend lists
- Fix: Livestream on startpage always used the ViMP Player, even if Video.js was configured
- Fix: Display error of the livestream on the startpage in mobile template fixed
- Fix: Cover images of livestreams were not displayed on mobile templates
- Fix: Issue with HLS streaming on Chromium browsers fixed
- Fix: Position of prev and next buttons on album media pages fixed
- Fix: Media links of the share overlay did not play in Chrome
- Fix: Issue with forgot password function fixed
- Fix: Issue with VoD media that are assigend to a deleted channel fixed
- Fix: Problem with uploading group cover images fixed
- Fix: Conversion notice couldn't be inserted into the database sometimes
- Fix: Open Graph and Twitter meta tags correction
- Fix: Token issue with hidden embedded videos fixed
- Fix: Wrong redirect after unfollowing a channel with ViMP installation in subfolder fixed
- Fix: Issue with playing restricted media with getMedium fixed
- Fix: Display issue with backend statistics after selecting a custom timeframe fixed
- Fix: Issue with extracting document pages in Video Editor V3 fixed (presentation mode)